Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The paradox of South African Youth
This is a great article which leaves me feeling hopefully about my country South Africa. If only this type of mindset could reform the nation.
In post-apartheid South Africa, we all have the freedom to participate in the political process - but also the right not to participate. Our country's youth have tended to exercise the latter right, but the fact is that we need to participate politically if we want to inherit a country we can be proud of. KHAYA DLANGA's speech at The Gathering.As young people in South Africa, to a large degree, we cannot really claim to have fought for liberation, although we are the ones who stand to benefit the most. Others fought on our behalf because we didn’t really understand what was going on. Our parents, their parents and their parents before fought for freedom. They died so that we might lead lives of our own choosing and making. They did not count on us being lost.
But, we don’t know who we are nor where we are going. We are lost, like a plastic bag blowing in the wind. That generally happens when you follow overachievers. Our parents were overachievers for they defeated a system far bigger than themselves.
We want to thank them for what they did. For bleeding and dying. For bleeding and living. For bleeding and not giving up. We think we will thank them by acquiring material possessions to impress them, but more importantly, to impress our friends. They bleed again because it is as if we are saying to them, “Look at what freedom can buy. A BMW.” They shake their heads. We shake ours, because deep down we know how empty our exploits are. And so we make a noise. We shout. Our shouts have no substance. No wisdom. Unlike an orgasm, wisdom cannot be faked.
We become agitators for its sake - not because we are bringing new ideas, but we agitate because we seek relevance. But we don’t realise that our relevance has no relevance.
But, we don’t know who we are nor where we are going. We are lost, like a plastic bag blowing in the wind. That generally happens when you follow overachievers. Our parents were overachievers for they defeated a system far bigger than themselves.
We want to thank them for what they did. For bleeding and dying. For bleeding and living. For bleeding and not giving up. We think we will thank them by acquiring material possessions to impress them, but more importantly, to impress our friends. They bleed again because it is as if we are saying to them, “Look at what freedom can buy. A BMW.” They shake their heads. We shake ours, because deep down we know how empty our exploits are. And so we make a noise. We shout. Our shouts have no substance. No wisdom. Unlike an orgasm, wisdom cannot be faked.
We become agitators for its sake - not because we are bringing new ideas, but we agitate because we seek relevance. But we don’t realise that our relevance has no relevance.
What to do with all this freedom? Freedom has many so many complex sides to it. The right to buy; the right not to buy. The right to spend; the right not to spend. The right to care for the poor; the right to live one’s life without giving a damn about the poor. The right to care only for oneself. These are the consequences and the pleasures of freedom that we enjoy today.
A week ago, I watched the HBO mini-series on America’s second president, John Adams. While he was stationed in France to seek assistance from the French to resist the British, a French noblewoman asks him if he has ever attended the opera.
Adams responds by saying he has no ear for music because, “My occupation allows me little time for the finer arts. No, I must study politics and war, you see, so that my sons will have the liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons must study navigation, commerce and agriculture, so that their children will have the right to study, poetry, painting and music.” His son, John Quincy Adams, would become the sixth president of the United States. He too had dedicated himself to service.
Judging from what John Adams said to the Frenchwoman, we are missing an important step. Our parents fought for freedom, and we must fight to build the country, to strengthen its democracy, to build a foundation upon which the nation will prosper, not just look out for our own individual prosperity, for we prosper more as individuals if we help the whole nation prosper
Since the last generation fought for our freedom, what are we fighting for? What is the mission of this generation besides partying? (Something to which I am completely unopposed I might add). Is it the sole thing we have decided to dedicate ourselves to? What have we decided we will do? What is our North Star?
We need to have a unified goal, but we all go towards it in various directions: some pursue it in commerce, others in government, others in the arts. Where are we going? Since the grown-ups have not told us where they are taking the country, we might as well set our own course. What is the single, simple, palatable proposition?
What is the bold, balls-to-the-wall motto that we shall adopt? The great thing about the “American Dream” is that it can be whatever you want it to be. The motto gives you endless possibilities. But I want to refer to something that Apple CEO and founder Steve Jobs said during the early days of his company: "I want to make a ding in the universe." It is vague, but it is a bold statement. And you know what? He has.
I am not here to preach. I am here to speak to myself as a youth.
We grow up too slowly, but when eventually we do, we grow old too fast. We will wake up one day to suddenly realise that it is all up to us. We didn’t pay attention, now we must look after the country.
We are young, we should rightfully enjoy our youth. There is a misconception that enjoying one’s youth involves sex, partying and drinking. If I don’t do these things then I am not really enjoying my youth is the logic. Again, I am not opposed to parties, I go to several a week. All I am saying is we must not just live from one party to the next. Those who have lived the kind of lives that just involve hedonism often call these years, “My wasted youth”. If we want to make an impact, we can’t just focus on the shallow and narrow factors that just speak to the individual. There are many young people who contributed tremendously while they were still young.
The third president of the US, Thomas Jefferson, was just 33 when he wrote one of that nation’s most important documents, the Declaration of Independence. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Even if he had never become president, just having written that document would have put him and it in American folklore.
At 26 years old, Martin Luther King Jnr organised a non-violent bus boycott after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in a segregated bus. At the end of the 381 days, the economy of the town had broken down so badly that the locals called for negotiations, and the Supreme Court declared that segregated buses were unconstitutional. Overnight, King became the national leader of the civil rights movement, a very youthful 27 year old. At 28, Martin Luther King preached his famous sermon, “Loving your enemies”.
His idea was radical because it was new. It was non-violent. It was also about love at the same time. It called to build, not to destroy. Yet he was a youth
And of course, Steve Biko who died at 31, left us with radical ideas that we still quote to this day. “I write what I like.”
How did these young people become so famous? They served humanity not themselves. Studies show that people who serve causes that are higher than themselves are more satisfied and are happier. Those are, in fact, the ones who are enjoying their youth.
I am not here to preach. I am merely talking to myself. Publicly. I don’t have answers. I have the same questions that my generation is grappling with.
There is a terrible misconception that when you are young and somehow want to be involved in the political process, you have to be angry, abandon all reason and display all the vices of youth to make an impact in the political landscape. These young men, Jefferson, King and Biko, all stood up and were counted. They showed that one is never too young to be wise.
The second part of this talk I will call The Power of Opportunity. Opportunity in itself is agnostic. It favours no one. It favours those who do something with it, whether it is for ill or good. What does the power of opportunity mean? It means that you are fearless when you are faced with it, for it presents itself always, under good circumstances, under bad. It’s just up to the individual to see it. It also means that when you see opportunity you don’t disqualify yourself because you are not ready. Always prepare yourself for opportunity. One of the things I often say to myself is, “I am not qualified to do anything, but I will not disqualify myself from doing anything.” By the way, I’ve always wanted to be quotable. You can quote me on that
The problem with us is that we run away from our responsibility. We will inherit this country. Giving it up for others to run won’t serve us, or the country. We cannot run away. Fat is the only problem from which one should run away. There is no point in avoiding what you will eventually face in the future. The longer you run away from your problem, the bigger the problem gets and by the time it gets to you, it may be too big for you to handle
Our generation has incredible talent. There are many powerful minds. We have more than enough capable individuals. But there is an underlying sense of entitlement with many who believe that opportunities should fall into their laps. They shouldn’t. The people we most admire are those who create opportunities where there are none. What will our generation be known for? Entitlement must come to an end because it puts no responsibility on you as an adult. If you can’t do a job and you know very well that you can’t learn once you’re in it, don’t accept it. Just in case you think I am speaking out against affirmative action, I’m not. One still needs to be qualified to be an AA candidate. I am supporter and a fan of AA.
I am not here to preach. I am here talking to myself as a young person.
The attraction of the bling lifestyle has translated itself, not just into a state of apathy, but into a sense of not biting the hand that feeds me. That hand may harm the country in the future, but I’m being fed right now so I will not speak out. A message for us young people: Stand up for what you believe in, not what will make you popular. If what you believe makes you popular, bonus.
But I will leave young people with this message: Just because you don't know what you want to do with your life, doesn't mean you're not going to do anything with it
I am an ad man. I make ads for a living, or at least used to. Now I make others make ads for me. I will end off by reciting my favourite commercial of all time.
“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently. They are not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them; disagree with them; glorify or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them, because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are those who do.” (Apple Mac ad)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Borrowed Light
A song I read in a book - using it is a prayer to integrate faith and learning.
Praise the source of faith and learning
that has sparked and stoked the mind
With a passion for discerning
how the world has been designed.
Let the sense of wonder flowing
form the wonders we survey
Keep our faith forever growing
and renew our need to pray.
God of wisdom, we acknowledge
that our science and our art
And the breadth of human knowledge
only partial truth impart.
Far beyond our calculation
lies a depth we cannot sound
Where your purpose for creation
and the pulse of life are found.
As two current in a river
fight each other's undertow
Till converging they deliver
one coherent steady flow;
Blend, oh God, our faith and learning
Till they carve a steady course.
Till they join as one, returning
praise and thanks to you their source
TODAY [4 min video about children and God's plans]
Great video... simple and so full of truth and life! God is working; lets find ways to make today count.
Passion 2010
On Friday night, I got the opportunity to attend Passion 2010, the last stop on the Passion World Tour. This was officially my second time at a Passion conference. Passion is a movement that I really believe in you can check out their website here In my opinion it really captures the heart of the gospel. Grace and new life through the transforming power of Jesus in a simple, non weird or pushy kinda of way.
Since it was my second time, I decided that I would serve as a volunteer. It ended up being great fun and I got to meet a lot of people and make some new friends. I worked at the registration desk from about 4 right through to 7:30 as people poured in from all around the city and the surrounding areas. There were even people as far from Tennessee there to attend and help out. After a finally tally, there ended up being over 11 000 people in the Rogers Area, gathered to worship and hear from the Lord. A great evening, where many lives were no doubt changed and a passion for making Jesus name famous in the city.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Downtown Chicago
Chicago Day 2 - Happy to be alive in the morning, I went for another run, to explore pleasantville only to find out that being attacked by monstrous mosquitoes that left welt size itchy bits was not that desirable although my legs did enjoy the freedom after being cramped up on the plane.
Day 2 in Chicago was filled with adventure and many laughs as Alun, Gary and I headed downtown, to explore the sights of the city in our pimp mobile (a car that the Car hire company gave Gary after his initial cars AC was broken.
Day 2 in Chicago was filled with adventure and many laughs as Alun, Gary and I headed downtown, to explore the sights of the city in our pimp mobile (a car that the Car hire company gave Gary after his initial cars AC was broken.
Timezone Changes, KFC and Mosquito Invasion
So I have been in the US of A for just over a week and what an incredible week it has been. After setting sail from OR Tambo International airport (I still cant get over that its called that) I headed on an 11 hour flight to London Heathrow, a flight filled with many mixed emotions of leaving, coupled with the excitement of the adventure and the journey that I have now embarked on. Embarking upon your dreams is never easy, it always comes at a cost, whether you realise it or not. Leaving such amazing friends and family is never easy to do, but knowing that it for a time is only a somewhat subtle comfort. As I flew over Africa a realized that my life was going to change in many ways... O but what and adventure it is gonna be. One that I have dreamed about for many years.
Touch down in Chicago land, I had to catch a taxi to my host families house, as my international roaming did not work and therefore I could not get hold of Gary to get a lift a really rookie error when it comes to travelling in the modern world. Never the less things things alway work out.. sometimes at price, this time $50 for my taxi ride out into the surrounding suburbs. Back in the US for a 3rd time, I was quickly reminded of how everything here is big, so big, big roads, big trucks, big cars, big malls, big people... I certainly wasnt at home in my little part of Africa anymore.
I arrived at the house to be greeted by my host family, Sue (the mom) and 10 year old adopted daughter from Guatemala named Harley. After getting organized I went over to Gary's (Gary is the Senior Pastor at Gracepoint Church in Lonehill and a mentor of mine)hosts house Dan and Pam, to touch base and to plan what we would be doing over the next few days. After heading on a run to explore the surrounding suburbs (something I like to do when i arrive in a new place- I have taken after my parents in this respect) I sat down to a grand dinner of my favorite fast food - KFC with my host. Now any of you who know me, know that I absolutely hate KFC, so my first night in fast food land was undesirable to say the least. I painful sat through dinner, trying to pretend that I was grateful for food. Nevertheless a combination of KFC and my weak stomach, the story did not have a happy ending, I woke up in the middle of the night and promptly through is all up.
Touch down in Chicago land, I had to catch a taxi to my host families house, as my international roaming did not work and therefore I could not get hold of Gary to get a lift a really rookie error when it comes to travelling in the modern world. Never the less things things alway work out.. sometimes at price, this time $50 for my taxi ride out into the surrounding suburbs. Back in the US for a 3rd time, I was quickly reminded of how everything here is big, so big, big roads, big trucks, big cars, big malls, big people... I certainly wasnt at home in my little part of Africa anymore.
I arrived at the house to be greeted by my host family, Sue (the mom) and 10 year old adopted daughter from Guatemala named Harley. After getting organized I went over to Gary's (Gary is the Senior Pastor at Gracepoint Church in Lonehill and a mentor of mine)hosts house Dan and Pam, to touch base and to plan what we would be doing over the next few days. After heading on a run to explore the surrounding suburbs (something I like to do when i arrive in a new place- I have taken after my parents in this respect) I sat down to a grand dinner of my favorite fast food - KFC with my host. Now any of you who know me, know that I absolutely hate KFC, so my first night in fast food land was undesirable to say the least. I painful sat through dinner, trying to pretend that I was grateful for food. Nevertheless a combination of KFC and my weak stomach, the story did not have a happy ending, I woke up in the middle of the night and promptly through is all up.
New Beginnings

OK so I have really bad at blogging, I have intended to document some of my travels to whoever reads this and some of my thoughts, views, opinions on life and the world I am experiencing around me. It would encourage me, if you leave your comments questions, notes etc etc. I also love hearing from you. Not that Im sure that anybody reads this but if you do.
So from here on I am going to back track a few weeks to the beginning of my trip to the US of A. First stop Chicago Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit, then Washington DC and hopefully onward to Vancouver. I hope that you enjoy.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
When Faith becomes a REALITY
So often in life I find that we all rely on our own security, we take control of our lives in such away that we try and work things out to the best of our knowledge and our understanding. When our circumstances change or things don't go the way we plan, we panic and worry, and are often filled anxiety that eats us up on the inside. We then think or over-think situations, before having in-trusted things and handed things over to the Lord.
More often than not we put our trust in our ‘own security’ or the security that ‘we’ have created or have been blessed with. In moments like this is is important to constantly acknowledge where the blessing of our security comes from, and understand that the so many things that we rely on, such as money food, shelter, family and relationships can be taken away in an instant. The kind of thinking that relies more on ‘our’ provisions than on God who ultimately provides them, is dangerous. It says in Romans 11:26 “ Everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory.” This is just one of the many places in the bible that points to Jesus being the provider and sustainer of everything.
Firstly, wrong thinking on this matter, aids us to think that we are more in control of our lives than we really are, secondly it diminishes our reliance on our creator. Both of these things decrease how we see God and more often than not result in God become a dash-board god who we can call on only in times of crisis, desperation and need. Our mindset will typically be, what can God do for me? This reveals that we are making ourselves the centre of attention and we are only interesting in our own glory. God word gives us a very different picture through the life of Jesus, it shows us that Jesus came to serve and not to be served, he constantly relied on God the father to provide in every situation so that God my have the glory.
In Jesus prayer to his father before his crucifixion, echoed the words, ‘Father not my will but your will be done’. If you think about it, to declare these words, means that we are ultimately surrendering everything to the will of God. That might mean a number of things, from joy to sorrow, to persecution - after all, what that statement meant for Jesus, lead him he to endure the cross. However to truly profess this statement with our whole heart I believe that we become partakes in the divine which through the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to accomplish more that we could ever have imagined on our own. The Lords prayer as we are taught by Jesus, utters those same word... may your will BE DONE (surrender - not my will but your will Lord) may your kingdom come (part takers in the divine).
This ultimate surrender requires us to lay things down at the feet of Jesus and trust in his will, his good and pleasing will. I believe that this action leads us to begin to understand what faith is about and what it requires.
Last night after church I spoke to a young man from Zambia who had encountered God in such a powerful way that, he left everything, his home, his country, even his family to pursue his love for the Lord. His mother even wanted to disown him because of His proclamation of Jesus as the Lord of His life. He told me that he loved his mom, but loved Jesus more. He shared with me, this vision to be used by God and to fulfill his holy calling. He knows that God is going to give him a ministry to change nations, to raise people from the dead. It was a very humbling moment for me as he told me that having nothing, he left home to pursue the Lord, came to nothing, but the Lord has provided for everything. That is great faith that has come from ultimate surrender. Although his journey is not easy and he doesn't now where the next bit of income is coming from, he whole heartedly trusts the Lord to provide - that to me is faith becoming a reality. He is proceeding boldly to that which he is called because he has surrendered His will to that of the Lords.
More often than not we put our trust in our ‘own security’ or the security that ‘we’ have created or have been blessed with. In moments like this is is important to constantly acknowledge where the blessing of our security comes from, and understand that the so many things that we rely on, such as money food, shelter, family and relationships can be taken away in an instant. The kind of thinking that relies more on ‘our’ provisions than on God who ultimately provides them, is dangerous. It says in Romans 11:26 “ Everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory.” This is just one of the many places in the bible that points to Jesus being the provider and sustainer of everything.
Firstly, wrong thinking on this matter, aids us to think that we are more in control of our lives than we really are, secondly it diminishes our reliance on our creator. Both of these things decrease how we see God and more often than not result in God become a dash-board god who we can call on only in times of crisis, desperation and need. Our mindset will typically be, what can God do for me? This reveals that we are making ourselves the centre of attention and we are only interesting in our own glory. God word gives us a very different picture through the life of Jesus, it shows us that Jesus came to serve and not to be served, he constantly relied on God the father to provide in every situation so that God my have the glory.
In Jesus prayer to his father before his crucifixion, echoed the words, ‘Father not my will but your will be done’. If you think about it, to declare these words, means that we are ultimately surrendering everything to the will of God. That might mean a number of things, from joy to sorrow, to persecution - after all, what that statement meant for Jesus, lead him he to endure the cross. However to truly profess this statement with our whole heart I believe that we become partakes in the divine which through the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to accomplish more that we could ever have imagined on our own. The Lords prayer as we are taught by Jesus, utters those same word... may your will BE DONE (surrender - not my will but your will Lord) may your kingdom come (part takers in the divine).
This ultimate surrender requires us to lay things down at the feet of Jesus and trust in his will, his good and pleasing will. I believe that this action leads us to begin to understand what faith is about and what it requires.
Last night after church I spoke to a young man from Zambia who had encountered God in such a powerful way that, he left everything, his home, his country, even his family to pursue his love for the Lord. His mother even wanted to disown him because of His proclamation of Jesus as the Lord of His life. He told me that he loved his mom, but loved Jesus more. He shared with me, this vision to be used by God and to fulfill his holy calling. He knows that God is going to give him a ministry to change nations, to raise people from the dead. It was a very humbling moment for me as he told me that having nothing, he left home to pursue the Lord, came to nothing, but the Lord has provided for everything. That is great faith that has come from ultimate surrender. Although his journey is not easy and he doesn't now where the next bit of income is coming from, he whole heartedly trusts the Lord to provide - that to me is faith becoming a reality. He is proceeding boldly to that which he is called because he has surrendered His will to that of the Lords.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Every seed dies before it grows
Ok so i haven't blogged in ages.. its time to get this thing up and rolling again, now that i have a bit more time on my hands for the things that i want to do. So the days have been rolling by in the city of Jozi... lots of change happening and lots of change up ahead. Exciting times, what and adventure this life is sometimes.
Just got back from a service at Godfirst church.... a very inspiring preach by PJ on.. What would God say to BONO? Its part of the celebrity series that the church is doing. It was very thought provoking and challenging. Bono is someone who challenges our box and dualistic ways of thinking about the church, about faith and about life. The part that really challenges me was the fact the VIBE we give off to non believers or as he termed the, inquiries, is a reflection of our hearts. Not to say that our words don't mean anythings, but if our word are different to our heart, then our vibe will be our heart. Im not sure if this is making sense to anyone else but me... anyway, what im trying to say in another way is that, if we dont get our hearts right with regards to the way we view faith and believers and non believers, our gospel proclamation and provocation could become seriously ineffective (has it not been ineffective in so many ways already). I sometimes feel that so much time and energy is wasted, and structure and open handed doctrinal issues in the church, that we lose our focus on looking outward because we are so busy looking inward.
So my challenge to myself this week is to surrender those religious parts of me, that give off a religious or negative VIBE to no believers. My prayer is to let that part of me die, so that a new part may grow. God let your GRACE abiding in me!
Just got back from a service at Godfirst church.... a very inspiring preach by PJ on.. What would God say to BONO? Its part of the celebrity series that the church is doing. It was very thought provoking and challenging. Bono is someone who challenges our box and dualistic ways of thinking about the church, about faith and about life. The part that really challenges me was the fact the VIBE we give off to non believers or as he termed the, inquiries, is a reflection of our hearts. Not to say that our words don't mean anythings, but if our word are different to our heart, then our vibe will be our heart. Im not sure if this is making sense to anyone else but me... anyway, what im trying to say in another way is that, if we dont get our hearts right with regards to the way we view faith and believers and non believers, our gospel proclamation and provocation could become seriously ineffective (has it not been ineffective in so many ways already). I sometimes feel that so much time and energy is wasted, and structure and open handed doctrinal issues in the church, that we lose our focus on looking outward because we are so busy looking inward.
So my challenge to myself this week is to surrender those religious parts of me, that give off a religious or negative VIBE to no believers. My prayer is to let that part of me die, so that a new part may grow. God let your GRACE abiding in me!
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