(Post written on Sunday)
So its back at work… on a Sunday, that’s ridiculous, well actually it’s pretty normal here in the Middle East. The work day week runs from Sunday to Thursday, and the weekend falls on Friday and Saturday, it is certainly a change and its not the greatest being in the office while everybody back home are doing typical Sunday things. I cant believe that I have been here from 2 weeks already, on the one hand, time has flown past and I feel like I have been here forever and on the other hand it feels like I have just got here. My head is still spinning as the reality slowly starts settling. I woke up and read this verse this morning (read below), and it resonated with me on a number of different levels. I’m sure that you can tell why?
“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the Promised Land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” Hebrews 11:8-10
Let me share with you what the Lord has placed on my heart as it is not only significant to what I am going through, but significant for all of us throughout our lives and maybe you just feel like you are in a similar place and it can speak to you as well.
A bit of background on this text: No one is quite sure who the author/s of Hebrews was, it was most likely Paul, nevertheless the author is writing to the Hebrew people who are struggling to grasp what is underlying Christianity with regards to what they know and understand about their covenantal relationship with God and keeping to the Law in the context of their Jewish Faith. Essentially the author writes this letter reminding the Hebrew people of where their faith has its roots, its foundations, were it began and explains to them that the New Covenant that as come to be through Jesus is far better than the old covenant, which was made with Abraham.
This particular section, focuses on Faith, it is one of the most well known passages of Faith in the Bible. This is such an important verse on so many levels, because so much of our lives are defined by our response to our faith in God; not what we see but what is unseen, what is certain and hoped for in the future. Faith is sometimes what we know to be prompting in our hearts that presents us with a choice (making that choice), whether or not we follow the prompting is an issue of faith. Sometimes we know what is right in of heart but we don’t follow the prompting. Now I know I haven’t many times, and maybe that’s genuinely because I lacked faith, not matter how big or small the step of obedience was. For you and me today, it could be something relatively insignificant or it could be something that actually could change the course of our lives. I wont get into the ins and outs of faith now, but our faith has a fundamentally significant role in our experience and our relationship with God. (Dereck Prince teaches on this subject very well and a urge you to read some of his literature)
The part that struck me, was not the part that Abraham went into a foreign land because that’s what God asked him to do (although I really identify with this, at the current place I find myself at in my life, being in Dubai; a foreign land) He obeyed, yes but its what He thought about this time was what fascinated me…"For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.”
He was excited because going into this new land, he could rely on God as being both the master designer and builder of the city. His attitude is clearly positive and expectant. Lets look at some definitions of and architect and builder
“An architect is a licensed individual who leads a design team in the planning and design of buildings and participates in oversight of building construction. The word "architect" comes from Latin architectus, which in turn derives from Greek arkhitekton (arkhi, chief + tekton, builder")” ...I thought I would put one in because it sounds all theological with the Greek.. haha
“A professional who designs buildings or other structures, or who prepares plans and superintends construction; A person who plans, devises”
“A person who normally functions as a creator, coordinator, author of the drawings and specifications and the general administrator of construction”
“Design; the way components fit together.”
“Builder-A person who builds or constructs things”
Are you picking up what I’m putting down, I know this is getting long but bare with me…(almost a full on sermon)
Dubai is this crazy place, with all this mad building going on… it really feels like you are living in one big construction site most of the time… this place has literally sprung up over night. This is a city filled with builders and architects. The people here are building a city that is as extravagant as can be, while more than half the world is starving (I will leave this subject for another time, but it is something that concerns me deeply)…
This made me think what are the kingdoms of everyday life are we building and more importantly who is doing the designing and building. Are we designing and building ourselves what we think is best for us, what is most comfortable for us.. or should we rather let God, the author of our lives, the master architect, the builder be the one in charge, the one in control for the benefit of others and His glory. He knows what the design is. He knows what goes where, how everything fits together. Are we building our lives for our own fleeting glory, of for God’s eternal glory. Now practicing this is far harder than just understanding it... Trust me im learning this right now...Check out this awesome verse below.
“9For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building. (God refers to us a buildings- that he designs and builds, but also follow builders, God then gives us a choice how we build in this life… with him or with out him) 10By the grace God has given me,(what are we going to do with this gift?) I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. 11For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. 1 Corinthians 3:9-14
Im willing to put my trust in God as the master designer and builder of my life... are you?, after all he is the one that drew the plans... More often than not i beleive that it is the harder option, the one that requires sacrifice, the one that requires us to take up our cross and follow... (wow thats hard)
I believe there is much to be gained here and i certainly have not covered everything i wanted to, so please let me know of your thought and insight on.. it quite difficult to explain all the revelation on this verse... i guess i will share it with you as i journey through it in my time away here in a distant land.
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