Thursday, May 24, 2012

God is Able

God is able

God is able! Knowing this truth in your heart can really radically change your life, and grant you perspective that you could never have imagined to have. Today I was reading in Bill Hybel's book - Too Busy Not to Pray. In it he spoke about our ability to trust that God answers our prayer id very much proportional to our faith in his omnipotence. If God is truly omnipotent then he is able to do what ever we ask him. This is not so say that God will answer our prayers in the way we might want, but to know in our heart of hearts that he does have the ability to do so. As we press into him and pray according to his will, there is no doubt that in his grace he will answer our requests. What do you need to have faith for today, know that GOD IS ABLE? What do you need to believe knowing that GOD IS ABLE.

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